The Far West Popular Culture Association is proud to announce our 34th annual conference will be a hybrid conference aimed to include as many diverse perspectives as possible. The FWPCA is using the Digital Commons platform, powered by BE Press, as an archival system and conference registration. This is the same system that UNLV uses for its institutional repository, Digital Scholarship@UNLV. Because of this, the FWPCA’s papers will now be accessible through Digital Scholarship@UNLV. If you were part of the FWPCA 33 you are familiar with this platform. If you are new to the FWPCA community you can find registration directions below.
This is the mainpage of FWPCA’s Digital Scholarship site. Once we have papers in the repository, you will be able to search for them using the search feature in the left navigation menu.
Before you can register, you need to create an account. Here are instructions on how to create an account.
To register for the conference, click “Submit Event” in the left menu. If you do not already have an account, you may be prompted to create one. If you already have one, you will go directly to the “Submit Research” page.
Here, you should enter the title of your presentation and ensure that your name and email are correct. You can also add your preferred pronouns and personal title (Dr., Professor, Ms., Admiral, etc).
There are three options for “Presentation Type:” “Paper” covers everyone who is presenting a traditional academic paper or creative piece. “Panel” is if you are a panelist on a roundtable who is not formally presenting a paper, but is rather just participating in a discussion. “Keynote” is for someone giving a keynote address.
If you have an abstract, you can add it in the “Description.” This will improve discoverability. Under “Disciplines,” American Popular Culture is pre-selected, but feel free to add as many as you like. Panelists should mention who is chairing their panel here, and any other information that will help me get them sorted correctly.
Finally, in the comments section, please let me know if you are already part of a panel, if you have any preference for when you present or with who, and anything else that I can do to make the conference a good one for you.
This system will ultimately make the work of those who present at FWPCA easier to find and share, fulfilling the vision that Felicia Campbell had when she founded the FWPCA as a place where like-minded scholars could gather to discuss popular culture.
I’ve gotten questions about how to pay the $35 registration fee. Ultimately, we will integrate a Square-based solution. For now, we are accepting checks by mail, payable to “NSHE Board of Regents,” to:
Far West Popular Culture Association
c/o Lied Library Business & Finance
4505 Maryland Parkway
Box 457001
Las Vegas, NV 89154-7001
Please indicate that the check is for FWPCA registration in the subject line.
Again, I am hoping to have online payments available before the conference. If I do, I will send out an email to everyone who is registered but has not yet paid (or received a waiver).
If you have any questions or run into any problems, please email me at