We are lucky to have two keynote speakers scheduled for the 33rd Annual Far West Popular Culture Association conference on February 20, 2021.
Julie Jensen, our opening keynote speaker, has written more than 30 plays, all professionally produced, and a dozen published. Her work has won 10 major national awards and garnered attention from the press in this country and abroad.
Her keynote is about the theatre in a time of the plague. It’s what she knows and why she’s inconsolable.
Lauren Michele Jackson, the 2021 Felicia Campbell Memorial Innovative Contributions to Popular Culture Studies Award winner, is an assistant professor of English and African American Studies at Northwestern University and contributing writer at The New Yorker. She is the author of White Negroes (Beacon Press) and the forthcoming Back: An American Tale (Amistad Press).
She will be presenting our afternoon keynote about the current state of popular culture studies and where it may be going.
To register for the conference, please visit https://digitalscholarship.unlv.edu/fwpca/