To apply for the conference, visit the FWPCA’s online portal. Click “Submit Event.” If you do not already have an account, you may be prompted to create one. If you already have one, you will go directly to the “Submit Research” page. In the appropriate fields, provide the requested information.
There are three options for “Presentation Type:” “Paper” covers everyone who is presenting a traditional academic paper or creative piece. “Panel” is if you are a panelist on a roundtable who
is not formally presenting a paper. “Keynote” is for someone giving a keynote address. If you are proposing a complete session, please have each presenter register independently, noting in the comments that they want to be on your session.
When you register, please submit a title, five to six keywords, and an abstract of no more than 250 words, with your full paper (if applicable) due shortly before the conference. We will be using this system to notify you about the status of your presentation, and you will use it to upload your finished paper (if applicable).
When your paper is accepted, you will be able to upload a full paper and register for the conference.
You can submit using this link: https://digitalscholarship.unlv.edu/cgi/ir_submit.cgi?context=fwpca